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        2. Lanmec has Jiangsu torque measurement and control technology R & D center, torque sensor division, dynamometer division and tension division

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          Location:Home > News
          [Company news] One of "Star Products"—Electric Actuator Test Bench, Goods Distributed in Yangzhou AddTime:2020-07-24
          Info: One of the 'Star Products' of Lanmec Technology-Electric Actuator Test Bench, was delivered to Yang
          [Company news] Motor test bench, sent to Shenzhen AddTime:2020-07-24
          Info: The motor test bench is shipped to Shenzhen.This set of products mainly can measure the input curre
          [Company news] Two sets of dual-motor anti-backlash experiment table and servo system simulation load experiment ta AddTime:2020-07-22
          Info: Two sets of dual-motor anti-backlash experiment table and servo system simulation load experiment t
          [Company news] 5000N.m angular stroke actuator test system, shipped to Wenzhou, Zhejiang AddTime:2020-07-17
          Info: 5000N.m angular stroke actuator test system, shipped to Wenzhou, Zhejiang.This set of products is a
          [Company news] 200KN straight-stroke actuator test system, shipped to Wenzhou, Zhejiang AddTime:2020-07-17
          Info: 200KN straight-stroke actuator test system, shipped to Wenzhou, Zhejiang.This set of products is a
          [Company news] 250KW motor test bench, test cabinet and large water cooling combination, shipped to Anhui Lu'an AddTime:2020-07-08
          Info: 250KW motor test bench, test cabinet and large water cooling combination, shipped to Anhui Lu'an! T
          [Company news] 5N.m hysteresis dynamometer-Ceiling fan motor test bench, shipped to Malaysia BAFCO ASIA SDN BHD old AddTime:2020-07-08
          Info: 5N.m hysteresis dynamometer-Ceiling fan motor test bench, shipped to Malaysia BAFCO ASIA SDN BHD ol
          [Company news] Lanmec Technology, Annual Report 2020 AddTime:2020-07-07
          Info: In the first half of 2020, despite the impact of the epidemic, Lanling people adhere to the scient
          [Company news] Made by Lanmec Technology, Beijing Baska 500KN.m serpentine coupling test bench passed the acceptan AddTime:2020-07-02
          Info: Made by Lanmec Technology, Beijing Baska 500KN.m serpentine coupling test bench passed the acceptan
          [Company news] Russia Kreativ-Rus is very satisfied with the Lanling transmission test bench! AddTime:2020-07-01
          Info: Russian Kreativ-Rus is very satisfied with the Lanmec transmission test bench!Lanmec Technology is
          [Company news] Warmly celebrate the 99th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party! AddTime:2020-07-01
          Info: Fiery July,Get together in Shanghai,White horror bright knife and gun.ThirteenTransfer to the South
          [Company news] Made by Lanmec, the world's first 50000N.m magnetic powder brake assists the testing of Beijing Bas AddTime:2020-06-24
          Info: Made by Lanmec, the world's first 50000N.m magnetic powder brake assists the testing of Beijing Bas
          [Company news] Lanmec Technology-Two sets of worm gear reducer test bench, shipped to Wuhan AddTime:2020-06-20
          Info: The two-piece test stand for the worm gear reducer is shipped to Wuhan. Lanmec Technology Professio
          [Company news] Lanmec Technology-Motor Test Bench, Shipped to Huaian Suma AddTime:2020-06-16
          Info: The motor test bench is shipped to Huai'an Suma.This set of products can mainly measure the input c
          [Company news] South American and Chilean customers are very satisfied with Lanmec's test bench AddTime:2020-06-15
          Info: South American and Chilean customers are very satisfied with Lanmec's test benchLanmec Technology i
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