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        2. Lanmec has Jiangsu torque measurement and control technology R & D center, torque sensor division, dynamometer division and tension division

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          Location:Home > News
          [Company news] DW250 eddy current dynamometer (engine test bench), shipped to Türkiye AddTime:2024-09-27
          Info: DW250 eddy current dynamometer (engine test bench), shipped to Türkiye The measuring power range o
          [Company news] YDX3000kW hydraulic dynamometer, shipped to Vietnam AddTime:2024-09-14
          Info: YDX3000kW hydraulic dynamometer, shipped to Vietnam! This testing system can measure parameters su
          [Company news] The 300N. m electromagnetic brake test bench has been debugged and passed the acceptance inspection AddTime:2024-09-06
          Info: The 300N. m electromagnetic brake test bench has been debugged and accepted for shipment! This te
          [Company news] Planetary reducer 104 station no-load running in platform/5 station loaded running in platform, ship AddTime:2024-08-31
          Info: Planetary reducer 104 station no-load running in platform/5 station loaded running in platform, sh
          [Company news] 450N. m worm gear reducer test bench, shipped to Italy AddTime:2024-08-23
          Info:450N. m worm gear reducer test bench, shipped to Italy!This type of test bench can test orthogonal s
          [Company news] 3000N. m electric gearbox test bench, shipped to Shanghai AddTime:2024-08-12
          Info: 3000N. m electric gearbox test bench, shipped to Shanghai. This testing system can mainly test th
          [Company news] 20kN. m worm gear box durability testing system, shipped to Zhejiang AddTime:2024-08-05
          Info: 20kN. m worm gear box durability testing system, shipped to Zhejiang. This project can test worm g
          [Company news] Two sets of motor test benches, shipped to Pakistan AddTime:2024-07-25
          Info: Two sets of motor test benches, shipped to Pakistan. This testing system uses eddy current brake l
          [Company news] 15N. m motor test bench, shipped to Zhejiang AddTime:2024-07-16
          Info:15N. m motor test bench, shipped to Zhejiang.This testing system uses servo motor loading! Mainly us
          [Company news] One of the "star products" of Lanling Technology - electric actuator test bench, shipped to Zhejiang AddTime:2024-07-10
          Info: One of the 'star products' of Lanling Technology - electric actuator test bench, shipped to Zhejia
          [Company news] 100/2000N. m worm gear reducer test bench, shipped to Zhejiang! AddTime:2024-07-01
          Info: 100/2000N. m worm gear reducer test bench, shipped to Zhejiang! This type of test bench can test w
          [Company news] 5000N. m photoelectric rotary reducer test bench, shipped to Jiangsu AddTime:2024-06-22
          Info:5000N. m photoelectric rotary reducer test bench, shipped to Jiangsu.This type of test bench can be
          [Company news] 200KN. m fork type pneumatic actuator testing system, shipped to Zhejiang AddTime:2024-06-15
          Info:200KN. m fork type pneumatic actuator testing system, shipped to Zhejiang.This testing system can te
          [Company news] Durability testing system for 5000N. m and 50000N. m worm gear boxes, shipped to Italy AddTime:2024-06-08
          Info: Durability testing system for 5000N. m and 50000N. m worm gear boxes, shipped to Italy. This pro
          [Company news] 3 sets of planetary gearbox test benches, shipped to Zhejiang AddTime:2024-06-01
          Info: 3 sets of planetary gearbox test benches, shipped to Zhejiang. This system is mainly used to test
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