Hits:1219 AddTime:2024/5/18 9:51:15 |
One of the"Star products" of Lanling technology-electric actuator test bench, shipped to Zhejiang province.
The product can adjust the load of the electric actuator to measure the torque, speed and other relevant data of the electric actuator under specified conditions. As a result of the use of“Direct connection load” way, the data collected by the device than the rest of the load way more accurate!
Lanling Science and technology official website: www.lanmec.com , Welcome to inquire! Global Hotline: 400-111-3688!
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- Torque speed sensor
- torque speed sensor
- Magnetic powder clutch
- Magnetic powder brake
- Tension control system
- Deviation control system
- Safety chuck
- Air shaft
- Eddy current brake
- Hysteresis brake
- Hysteresis clutch
- Hysteresis dynamometer
- Eddy current dynamometer
- Magnetic powder dynamometer
- Electric dynamometer
- Hydraulic dynamometer
- Chassis dynamometer
- Motor test bench
- Engine, axle, gearbox, PTO test bench
- Reducer test bench
- RV, Harmonic and Planetary Test Bench
- Actuator, worm gear box, test bench
- Traction machine test bench
- Drill pipe test bench
- Hydraulic wrench test bench
- Slewing bearing test bench
- Hydraulic pneumatic motor test bench
- Non-standard custom test bench
- Acquisition instrument
- Testing software
- New Energy automobile gearbox test bed
- High and low temperature test box
- Coupling
- Industrial Water Chillers
Jiangsu Lanmec Technology Co., Ltd.
Add:222 Long'an North Road, Hai'an, Nantong, Jiangsu,China