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        2. Lanmec has Jiangsu torque measurement and control technology R & D center, torque sensor division, dynamometer division and tension division

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          Location:Home > News
           Hits:1332 AddTime:2024/3/23 8:26:57

          Magnetic hysteresis dynamometer loading motor test bench, shipped to Jiangsu!

          This test bench is equipped with a hysteresis dynamometer and a torque and speed sensor, which can achieve dual verification of torque and speed, making the test data more accurate and reliable!

          The hysteresis dynamometer loading motor test bench is mainly used for testing small power and high speed motors, such as 0-10kW, 0-100N. m, 0-35000rpm motors. Mainly testing motor torque, speed, power, current, voltage, efficiency, temperature rise, etc.

          Welcome to browse the official website of Lanling to learn more about our products at www.lanmec.com. Our consultation hotline is 400-11-3688!

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