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        2. Lanmec has Jiangsu torque measurement and control technology R & D center, torque sensor division, dynamometer division and tension division

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          Location:Home > News
          50000N. m electric actuator test bench, shipped to Zhejiang
           Hits:1391 AddTime:2024/2/23 16:31:46

          50000N. m electric actuator test bench, shipped to Zhejiang

          This product can simulate load testing on the tested electric actuator to measure various related data such as torque, speed, current, voltage, efficiency, angle, etc. under different loads.

          The testing platform adopts a combination of magnetic powder brake and torque increasing machine for loading, with a maximum torque of 50000N. m.

          Lanmec Technology official website: m.xd0411.com, welcome to check! Global consultation hotline: 400-11-3688!

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