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        2. Lanmec has Jiangsu torque measurement and control technology R & D center, torque sensor division, dynamometer division and tension division

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          Location:Home > News
          4800kW hydraulic dynamometer, shipped to Malaysia
           Hits:1521 AddTime:2023/8/26 15:04:07

          4800kW hydraulic dynamometer, shipped to Malaysia!

          This testing system can measure the torque, speed, power, fuel consumption, exhaust emissions and other parameters output by the engine. The maximum torque measured by this system is 50658N. m, with a maximum speed of 2500rpm and a maximum power of 4800kW. This system adopts an engine testing system independently developed by Lanling Technology, which can achieve constant torque and constant speed control, and automatically generate test curve reports and other functions.

          Lanling Technology's official website: www.lanmec.com, welcome to browse more of our company's products! Consultation hotline: 400-111-3688!

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