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        2. Lanmec has Jiangsu torque measurement and control technology R & D center, torque sensor division, dynamometer division and tension division

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          Location:Home > News
          DW300 Vertical Mounted Eddy Current Dynamometer, Shipped to Pakistan
           Hits:2630 AddTime:2022/1/8 13:46:21
          DW300 vertical installation eddy current dynamometer, shipped to Pakistan.
          This series of eddy current dynamometers are mainly used to measure dynamic mechanical properties. It is suitable for performance testing of small and medium power, medium and high speed motors, automobiles, internal combustion engines, gas turbines, hydraulic turbines, construction machinery, forestry, mining, oil drilling and mining and other machinery.

          Welcome to visit Lanmec's official website to learn more about our products www.lanmec.com, hotline: 400-111-3688!

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