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        2. Lanmec has Jiangsu torque measurement and control technology R & D center, torque sensor division, dynamometer division and tension division

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          Location:Home > News
          Magnetic coupling test bench, on-site debugging at Jiangsu University
           Hits:4393 AddTime:2021/7/12 8:41:14
          Magnetic coupling test bench, on-site debugging at Jiangsu University!
          The test bench can test the torque, speed and power of the magnetic coupling at different magnetic pole gaps and different speeds; it is a powerful help for the scientific research practice of colleges and universities!
          "Your satisfaction is our eternal pursuit"! Lanmec Technology is worthy of your trust!

          Lanmec official website: www.lanmec.com, welcome to inquire! Global consultation hotline: 400-111-3688!

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