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        2. Lanmec has Jiangsu torque measurement and control technology R & D center, torque sensor division, dynamometer division and tension division

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          Location:Home > News
          Thai customers are very satisfied with the performance of the 3000N.m actuator test bench produced b
           Hits:5272 AddTime:2020/11/12 8:52:17
          Thai customers are very satisfied with the performance of the 3000N.m actuator test bench produced by our company!
          This product can load test various valve actuators, and can measure the input current, voltage, power factor, electrical power of the actuator; output torque, speed, mechanical power; efficiency; angle; cycle times (lifetime), etc.
          Equipped with the actuator test software independently developed by Lanmec Technology, it can simulate various operating conditions of the actuator for loading.

          Welcome to visit Lanmec official website, learn more about products www.lanmec.com, consultation hotline: 400-111-3688!

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          Previous:Motor test bench (hysteresis brake loading), delivered to Israel. Next:The 12N.m hysteresis brake is delivered to Canada.