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        2. Lanmec has Jiangsu torque measurement and control technology R & D center, torque sensor division, dynamometer division and tension division

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          What do you need to know about choosing a torque sensor
           Hits:9214 AddTime:2018/11/23 10:28:01
          Torque sensor is a kind of precise measuring instrument for measuring various torques, rotational speeds and mechanical power, also known as torque sensor, torque sensor, torque sensor. It has a wide range of applications:
          1. Detection of output torque and power of rotating power equipment such as motor, engine and internal combustion engine;
          2. Torque and power detection of fan, pump, gear box and torsion plate hand;
          3. Torque and power detection in railway locomotives, automobiles, tractors, aircraft, ships and mining machinery;
          4. It can be used to detect the torque and power in sewage treatment system.
          5. It can be used to manufacture viscometers.
          6. It can be used in process industry and process industry.
          7. It can be used in laboratories, testing departments, production monitoring and quality control.
          When we choose a product, we must know its performance and scope of use, as well as its reputation in the industry, so what we need to know when we choose to buy.
          Why is it important to choose the right rotary torque sensor?
          There are two key reasons for this: preventing damage and ensuring accuracy.
          Preventing damage-torque sensor is a key component of high-precision torque measurement. Through design, it can play a similar role as mechanical insurance. Because the torque sensor is the vulnerable part of Zui in the drive system, it is very important to select the correct torque sensor. This is because in order to measure the torque accurately, it is necessary to measure the strain at a certain point. .
          Ensuring accuracy - In order to reduce the uncertainty of measurement, it is necessary to select the appropriate torque sensor, so that you can obtain high-precision measurement results.
          To help you choose the right torque sensor:
          Types of Torque Sensors, such as Reaction, Circular Shaft, Analog Telemetry, Digital Telemetry, Dual Range Torque Sensors
          Application considerations such as accuracy, range, speed, output and response time
          Environmental considerations, such as temperature, dust and electromagnetic interference
          Dynamic applications, such as rotation effects, additional loads and critical speeds
          Physical requirements, such as size, installation restrictions
          Cost and budget
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