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        2. Lanmec has Jiangsu torque measurement and control technology R & D center, torque sensor division, dynamometer division and tension division

          Service hotline:

          Location:Home > Products
           TS-2000 Torque speed power acquisiton instrument
           Hits:9250 AddTime:2021/9/20 23:00:43

          Overall dimension:280*145*110(L*W*H)(mm)

          Hole size(mm):271*93

          TS-2000 torque speed power acquisiton instrument uses hysteresis brake or a magnetic powder brake as a damping load ,and use a tension and pressure sensor, photoelectric ( or magnetoelectric ) rotational speed sensor as a detection componment ,can colleect torque,speed  and power of the power machine. The instrument comes with a  display screen to display the measurement results ,and is equipped with a standard serial interface of RS485 (or RJ45 network interface ) to communicate with the computer.

          Technical indicators
          Accuracy of measurement
          Acquisition cycle
          Output signa
          Output signa
          rs485 communication
          Torque,speed two relay output
          Net interface
          Ethernet RJ45 interface
          Instrument power supply
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