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        2. Lanmec has Jiangsu torque measurement and control technology R & D center, torque sensor division, dynamometer division and tension division

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          Location:Home > Products
           PTO test bench (click to enter)
           Hits:6506 AddTime:2022/4/30 9:46:16

          Wuxi Yanmar 500KW PTO test stand

          Shandong Zhongte 100KW PTO Test Bench

          Equipment name:
          PTO Computerized Testing Table
          Measuring range:
          Speed 150-3000rpm
          Torque 32.5-650N.m
          Power 10-100Kw
          Fuel consumption 0-1000g/Kw.h
          4 way temperature -50-+200℃
          measurement accuracy:
          ±0.2% F.S
          Loading method:
          Eddy current dynamometer or electric dynamometer
          Equipment function:
          The instrument can display: torque, speed, power, cooling water, oil, exhaust temperature, manual/programmed loading.
          The computer displays: torque, speed, power, fuel consumption, cooling water, oil, exhaust temperature and the curve relationship between each other, and forms a data report to save and print.
          Cooling device: flow rate 100L/min. Cooling device with a water tank volume of 4.5m3, or a cooling power greater than 100Kw. The outlet water pressure is 0.03-0.1MPa, and the inlet water temperature is lower than 20℃.
          After-sales service: The equipment is installed, and our company commissions it for free once Three guarantees for one year from the completion of commissioning, one year after the implementation of paid service, lifetime maintenance.

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