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        2. Lanmec has Jiangsu torque measurement and control technology R & D center, torque sensor division, dynamometer division and tension division

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          Location:Home > Products
           Hydraulic pneumatic motor test bench
           Hits:11091 AddTime:2021/9/20 20:56:34

          Applicable scope of hydraulic actuator test bench: power range of hydraulic actuator with angular stroke, multi-turn and straight stroke: 5-600KN.m 0-50T function: it can measure current, voltage, power factor, electric power; torque, speed, power; efficiency; push and pull force; rotary angle and other parameters represent customers: Yangzhou Electric Power Repair Plant, Changzhou Power Station auxiliary machine, Tianertong, Yangzhou Hengchun. Changzhou Lanling, Bernard, Nanjing Keyuan, Shanghai Qizhong and Wenzhou Yuezhong

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