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        2. Lanmec has Jiangsu torque measurement and control technology R & D center, torque sensor division, dynamometer division and tension division

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          Location:Home > Products
           Drilling rig test bench (click to enter)
           Hits:6531 AddTime:2022/4/30 10:05:57

          Beijing Coal Science Institute 630~30000N.m pneumatic hydraulic drilling rig test bench

          Jiangyin China Coal 400N.m handheld rig test bench

          Jiangyin Zhongmei 400N.m pneumatic bolt drilling rig test bench

          Jiangyin Changli 400N.m pneumatic bolt drilling rig test bench

          Tiefulai 20000N.m crawler hydraulic drilling rig test bench

          Changzhou Baolai 10000N.m hydraulic rig test stand

          Liuhe coal rig 5000N.m hydraulic drilling rig test bench

          10000N.m hydraulic drilling rig test bench of Qitaihe Coal Machinery Company

          Tianjin Tongxin Coal Machine 5000N.m Drilling Rig Test Bench

          5000N.m rig test stand of Heilongjiang Technical College

          Jixi Bandung 2000N.m rig test stand

          10000N.m drill pipe loading test stand

          5000N.m drill pipe loading test stand

          Wuxi Amman 30000N.m vertical drilling rig test bench

          Xuzhou Hengxing 5000N.m vertical drilling rig test bench

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