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        2. Lanmec has Jiangsu torque measurement and control technology R & D center, torque sensor division, dynamometer division and tension division

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           DW series eddy current dynamometer
           Hits:93204 AddTime:2022/1/18 17:06:57

          DW series disc eddy current dynamometer, are the DWZ series disc eddy current brake the body with the measuring unit of torque and rotational speed of dynamometer, mainly used to measure the dynamic mechanical properties test instruments, used especially in the small and medium-sized power and power smile dynamic load tests.

          DW series eddy current dynamometer main technical indicators

          Eddy current brake/dynamometer Rated Power Rated torque Rated speed Maximum rotational speed Turning inertia Maximum excitation voltage Maximum excitation Current Cooling water pressure Flow of the cooling water
          DWZ/DW-0.75 0.75 5 2000-2600 16000 0.002 80 3 0.1~0.3 1
          DWZ/DW-3 3 10 2000-2600 14000 0.003 80 3 0.1~0.3 2
          DWZ/DW-6 6 25 2000-2600 14000 0.003 80 3 0.1~0.3 3
          DWZ/DW-10 10 50 2000-2600 13000 0.01 80 3 0.1~0.3 4.5
          DWZ/DW-16 16 70 2000-2600 13000 0.02 80 3.5 0.1~0.3 6.5
          DWZ/DW-25 25 120 2000-2600 11000 0.05 80 3.5 0.1~0.3 15
          DWZ/DW-40 40 160 2000-2600 10000 0.1 90 4 0.1~0.3 25
          DWZ/DW-63 63 250 2000-2600 9000 0.18 90 4 0.1~0.3 45
          DWZ/DW-100 100 400 2000-2600 8500 0.32 120 4 0.1~0.3 60
          DWZ/DW-160 160 600 2000-2600 8000 0.52 120 5 0.1~0.3 100
          DWZ/DW-250 250 1100 2000-2600 7000 1.8 150 5 0.2~0.4 180
          DWZ/DW-300 300 1600 2000-2600 6000 2.7 150 5 0.2~0.4 210
          DWZ/DW-400 400 2200 2000-2600 5000 3.6 180 10 0.2~0.4 300
          DWZ/DW-630 630 3600 2000-2600 5000 5.3 180 10 0.2~0.4 450
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