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        2. Lanmec has Jiangsu torque measurement and control technology R & D center, torque sensor division, dynamometer division and tension division

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          Location:Home > Products
           SC-1W series programmable power supply
           Hits:11170 AddTime:2021/9/7 18:26:16

                SC - 1 w programmable current steady flow for switch mode power supply, is mainly used to improve the magnetic powder brake and magnetic powder clutch, the eddy current brake, the exciting current of magnetic hysteresis brake, with RS232 serial interface, can communication with the computer, PLC controller.
          Work style:
          SC - 1 W series programmable power supply has the following three works:
          1 "communication".By RS232 (or custom RS485) port receiving computer data command, the output current.
          2 "remote control" mode.By external 0 ~ I0V (or custom 0 ~ 5 v) signal control, the output current.
          3 "manual" mode."By" manual adjustment potentiometer control, the output current.
          SC - IW series programmable current controller with PLC control system, the recommended way of "communication", this could save D/A module of PLC.

          Technical indicators:
          (1) the input voltage: AC220 \ / plus or minus 20%, 50 hz
          (2) the output current: DC0-5 a, 5 a output type)
          (3) John voltage: DC0-90 \ / output type (5 a)
          (4) the steady flow accuracy: less than 1%
          (5) response time: o. 1 s
          (6) insulation resistance: 220 \ / input and output: > 10 m Ω
          (7) temperature: 50 ℃ below
          Humidity of the air (8) : < 85% (25 ℃)

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