SC-3H automatic tension controller |
Hits:10918 AddTime:2023/7/22 23:23:25 |
Product Overview
Functional characteristics
1、Using 32 bit CPU, high speed, high precision, high reliability Overall dimension SC-3H tension controller can be floor-mounted,wall-mounted and panel-mounted.
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- Torque speed sensor
- torque speed sensor
- Magnetic powder clutch
- Magnetic powder brake
- Tension control system
- Deviation control system
- Safety chuck
- Air shaft
- Eddy current brake
- Hysteresis brake
- Hysteresis clutch
- Hysteresis dynamometer
- Eddy current dynamometer
- Magnetic powder dynamometer
- Electric dynamometer
- Hydraulic dynamometer
- Chassis dynamometer
- Motor test bench
- Engine, axle, gearbox, PTO test bench
- Reducer test bench
- RV, Harmonic and Planetary Test Bench
- Actuator, worm gear box, test bench
- Traction machine test bench
- Drill pipe test bench
- Hydraulic wrench test bench
- Slewing bearing test bench
- Hydraulic pneumatic motor test bench
- Non-standard custom test bench
- Acquisition instrument
- Testing software
- New Energy automobile gearbox test bed
- High and low temperature test box
- Coupling
- Industrial Water Chillers
Jiangsu Lanmec Technology Co., Ltd.
Add:222 Long'an North Road, Hai'an, Nantong, Jiangsu,China